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Top 5 Praxis Podcasts

Podcasts are a great opportunity to learn while commuting. Here are my top five recommendations for podcasts that cover the practical side. There’s something here for everyone, no matter where you are on your ministry journey.

Make sure you check out the full article by clicking below to see the podcasts.Ā 

Check out our latest posts here.

CSB Study Bible Koorong Deal

Hold the presses! Apart from the fact that I've seen this deal before, it's the deal of the century! If you don't have a study bible, this price is hard to avoid for a full featured hardback study bible. It's $25 from Koorong Australia! [Don't want to read any more...

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ESV Student Study Bible – Amazon Deal

ESV Student Study Bible – Amazon Deal

Everyone should have a study bible. It's a great tool for quick reference for people as they're reading God's work, particularly for cultural background, giving people a place to get commentary and answers to questions that a passage can pose. For those of us in youth...

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Word – Easter Deals

Word – Easter Deals

Koorong is the largest of Australia's Christian booksellers, being a part of the Bible Society of Australia, but Word and Reformers Bookshop do provide great deals for us in Aus. Reformers also still has retail space in New South Wales, if you prefer evaluating items...

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Logos – March 2023 Pentecostal Deals

Apologies for the late notice, but here are a few deals from Wipf and Stock, on Logos that expire 31st March! Wipf and Stock have recently launched the Pentecostal Old Testament and New Testament Commentary series, seeing as the only other main Pentecostal commentary...

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Kids Bible Deal

Kids Bible Deal

I've got a collection of bibles for kids, that I'll eventually be putting a written and video review of as time allows for me to continue work on the Bible section of the site. If you have any questions on the NIV Adventure Bible, the CSB Explorer Bible or the CEB...

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Commentary Amazon Deals – January 2023

Commentary Amazon Deals – January 2023

Using commentaries are an essential step in study, to make sure that you can get historical background and different perspectives. There are two commentaries that are on sale on Amazon AU at the moment. The following links are not currently affiliate links. I'm just...

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2023 Bible Reading Resources

2023 Bible Reading Resources

Heading into a new year can be a great opportunity to get back into the Bible. Regular Bible reading is an essential discipline for all Christians. As Christians we need to be shaped by its story and knowing God and our situation deeply. If you're looking for some...

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Logos 10 – Information and Reviews

Logos 10 – Information and Reviews

Logos Bible Software is one of the biggest bible programs. Fairly recently, the newest edition Logos 10 was released. I recommend every church leader have some level of Logos, because of the monthly freeĀ  and heavily discounted books, and Lexham Bible Dictionary, a...

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Deals, More Deals – June 22

Deals, More Deals – June 22

We've had a great variety of deals recently. Here are some new Bible deals for Australians. Make sure you check our last two posts with deals from Koorong and Word, including a brilliant deal on the CSB Study Bible indexed hardback.The Christian Standard Bible has a...

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Deals, Glorious Deals – Koorong and Word

Deals, Glorious Deals – Koorong and Word

We've got so many good deals going at the moment from Australian Christian book suppliers. Make sure you check out our Koorong post if you're looking for child bibles, but make sure you see below for some great prices of some similar bibles.If you're looking for the...

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Koorong Kid Bible Deals – June 2022

Koorong Kid Bible Deals – June 2022

Hold Up! Make sure you check out our next post, which adds some new deals on a kid's, teen's and adult bible from Word as well as one from Koorong.We've begun obtaining a library of study bible and hope to begin filming review videos and writing review articles to...

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We’re Back and February 2022 Deals

We’re Back and February 2022 Deals

After a long unintended hiatus, we will hopefully be back and launching our Bible Review section including a YouTube channel soon. Here are some current deals that you might want to take advantage of: non-affiliate links and Australian pricing is referenced. The NIRV...

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Great Book Deals: Announcement and 15th Oct

Great Book Deals: Announcement and 15th Oct

It's been a while since I've been able to post here on Learning and Praxis but here's a new type of post that I've been thinking of providing to you, these are Deals posts. Most of the time when there are deals posted they're for US which doesn't translate to us...

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Logos Legacy Sale Apr 21

Logos Legacy Sale Apr 21

Logos Bible Software is a fantastic tool for those interested in studying the Bible whether that's at Bible College, for Ministry or for your own personal walk. A future post will walk through a few of the reasons why, but this month (April 2021) we've got a great...

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Welcome to 2021: Podcast Recommendation and Plans

Welcome to 2021: Podcast Recommendation and Plans

Happy New Year! It's shaping up to be a great one for us on Learning and Praxis. BUT first things first, in our Library section, we aim to help with recommendations for resources that you'll need in your study and ministry. If you want recommendations on a topic or...

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Top 5 Praxis Podcasts

Top 5 Praxis Podcasts

Podcasts are a great opportunity to learn while commuting. Here are my top five recommendations for podcasts that cover the practical side. There's something here for everyone, no matter where you are on your ministry journey.1The Bible Study Magazine Podcast is a...

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Top 3+ Academic Podcasts

Top 3+ Academic Podcasts

Podcasts are a great opportunity to learn while commuting. Here are my top five recommendations for academic podcasts. There's something here for everyone, no matter where you are on your study journey.1I'd be surprised if you've never heard of BibleProject before,...

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Need resource recommendations? Have any questions you want answered in a library post? Contact us here.

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