
Reading Revelation Responsibly

Reading Revelation Responsibly

Whenever the book of Revelation is discussed, this book is commonly referred to as well. It brilliantly walks the line to be the best type of accesible, expertly combining academic with popular writing and concerns. For academically minded people footnotes are...

God and the Pandemic

God and the Pandemic

My first encounter with N.T. (Tom) Wright was when I had to read his book New Testament and the People of God in four weeks as a beginning undergrad in Theology. My experience with that book has two distinctives, first, I found myself unbelievably tired and further...

The Neglected C.S. Lewis

The Neglected C.S. Lewis

The Neglected Mr Lewis is a surprising little book. Approachable to all who open it, readers will find that the majority of specialist vocabulary is explained bridging the gap between the literary scholar of Lewis and, to those of you like me, as not literary...

How to Read Daniel

How to Read Daniel

"How to Read Daniel" is a fantastic book. You'll find this book helpful if you're leading a small group reading through Daniel as it includes questions at the end of each chapter, if you're ready to advance your own bible study skills beyond a study bible or if you're...

In The Year of Our Lord

In The Year of Our Lord

Within the despised discipline of the humanities in comparison to the honorary position of STEM, history holds no special place. Within the Protestant traditions, the majority must be reminded that helpful Christian history didn’t begin with Luther and the...

The Most Important Stories of the Bible

The Most Important Stories of the Bible

When reading the bible, the context of a particular story is essential to delving into the meaning of a passage. However, most people don’t read through canon from Genesis through to Revelation and remember the entire storyline of scripture. For those that require a...

5 Minutes in Church History

5 Minutes in Church History

Church history is not seemingly a common topic of everyday Christian’s reading. If you haven’t been interested in church history before, take a look at this book: 5 Minutes in Church History. You can check out the sublime convincing opening chapter here on the...

Final Word

Final Word

Final Word by John MacArthur is an interesting book. It is seemingly not written for the academic but for the popular level reader. Being from a Pentecostal/Charasmatic background, and identifying as a charasmatic, there does seem to be a few places where large church...



Misquoted is a book that seeks to interpret scriptures within their historical and literary contexts through the author, Dan Suelzle's, Lutheran theology. One of the big points in this book, although it isn't outright stated, is to remember the impact of modern...

A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

In the English language, we have been blessed with an abundance of translations and therefore an abundance of discussion on different English translations. One of the more radically disputed translations is The Message written by Eugene Peterson. This commemorative...

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