Misquoted is a book that seeks to interpret scriptures within their historical and literary contexts through the author, Dan Suelzle’s, Lutheran theology. One of the big points in this book, although it isn’t outright stated, is to remember the impact of modern individualism has on our understanding of scriptures (ie seeing ourselves as the heroes of stories) and account for that and instead focus on seeing Jesus as the Hero of His Story. One of the benefits of reading widely, is the opportunity to read and understand other view points on God. In reading this book, I haven’t agreed with everything the author has written (in his chapter on Jeremiah 29:11, he seems to use the existence of false prophets, who tempt with joyful messages of success, to say that any prophetic message either to you or from fellow Christians is false, and in his chapter on Revelation 3:20, his view seems to be Calvinistic in that the death of humanity prior to conversation extends to be unable to choose salvation.). That having been said, it is still helpful to read and reconsider your individual views and determine whether his perspective reveals any problems with your view of God, as it does or doesn’t line up with Scripture. The chapter on Rev 3:20 does move beyond his Calvinistic understanding and discuss the audience of the text being written which is a mainstay of correct biblical interpretation. The book is written well and even covers scriptures that you wouldn’t consider. There is in particular one chapter of the foreign un-natural event of death, which speaks about the focus to reflect on the deceased life rather than reflect on the defeatedness of death, that one day the world will be remade and their body will rise. The book uses scripture consistently, as to ensure that the reader when they find their beliefs challenged will use them. The challenge of one’s beliefs is not easy but is necessary to test them. The book concludes with further helpful bible study guidelines for future individual study.

I was provided a digital copy of the book through NetGalley, but all thoughts included are my own.

Author: Dan Suelzle

More Info: Publisher’s Page

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