Apologies for the late notice, but here are a few deals from Wipf and Stock, on Logos that expire 31st March! Wipf and Stock have recently launched the Pentecostal Old Testament and New Testament Commentary series, seeing as the only other main Pentecostal commentary series is from Brill, this is a welcome change. The two starting volumes are on sale below. There are a few volumes from Pentecostal authors in their New Covenant Commentary series, which is editted by Craig Keener, one of the authors see more info about him below, and Michael Bird, the Australian Anglican who’s always worth reading.

This commentary is rare. It has been written by an Australian Pentecostal. Jon Newton is from Alphacrucis University College, the bible college associated with the Australian Christian Churches (Assemblies of God in Australia). 

Sale Price: USD14.99 AUD22.56

61% off, normally USD38.99

Wipf and Stock (the publisher) sells the paperback USD52 and AUD82

Booko lists the cheapest paperback and hardback at $66 and $88

Grab this steal of a deal on Logos, if you’re involved in Pentecostal ministry!

Sale Price: USD9.99 AUD14.96

60% off, normally USD24.99

Wipf and Stock (the publisher) sells the paperback USD35 and AUD55

Booko lists the cheapest paperback and hardback at $51 and $75

Get your copy quickly here on Logos.

Gordon Fee (1934-2022) was the foremost Pentecostal biblical scholar and one of the translators of the NIV, one of the biggest modern Bible translations. He’s also written extensively including multiple commentaries, being an editor of the NICNT series.

This volume in the New Covenant Commentary Series is a steal for a sales price of USD9.99, AUD14.96, 63% off the full price of USD26.99.

Booko lists the cheapest paperback and hardback at $36 and $102, respectively.

Grab it on Logos here before April to grab the sales price listed above.


Craig Keener, in my opinion, has replaced Gordon as the foremost Pentecostal biblical scholar, currently living. He was the president of the Evangelical Theological Society, and is widely renowned outside of Pentecostal circles. He is well known for cultural backgrounds, having written the commentary on it for the New Testament. It is well worth getting this smaller commentary from him, if you can.

Same price as Gordon Fee, USD9.99 and AUD14.96, 52% off the full price of USD20.99.

Booko lists the cheapest paperback and hardback at $52 and $85. You can see the publisher’s page for the commentary here.

Check out the Logos product page here.

Tony Richie is a Church of God, Cleveland scholar, the biggest US Wesleyan/Holiness Pentecostal denomination. This book is not a complete Pentecostal systematic theology as it doesn’t cover all standard areas but it does cover other areas that are helpful. There is a lot of discussion with Oneness Pentecostal perspectives as well, even though Richie and Church of God, Cleveland are Trinitarian. It was a good read, but probably not necessary for all Pentecostals, ministry leaders may find it helpful.

Logos has it on sale in March, for USD9.99 or AUD14.96.

Wipf and Stock, the publisher, lists the paperback and hardback for $44 and $74AUD respectively. They offer a Google Books preview here. Booko lists the cheapest paperback as 49 and hardback for 75

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