Moving into the university and young adult stages of life bring additional difficulty, as it is not something we have experienced before. With the wisdom of years of working in college ministry, Shelby talks about issues that face this generation of young adults as they struggle with life in both ancient and modern problems. Moving through both expected issues such as sexual conduct and unexpected issues like friendships, Shelby provides all of the wealth of his experience. This book provides a great short list of questions at the end of each chapter which forces the reader to slow down and evaluate where they are with respect to these questions. All of the content covered is applicable to young adults and is written in a tone that reminds us of a friend. In an age where the move to university is leading more frequently to an abandonment of a relationship with God, this book anchors the solution of every problem that we face in this season to the Cross.

I was provided a digital copy of the book through NetGalley, but all thoughts included are my own.

Author: Shelby Abbott

More Info: Publisher’s Page

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