Choosing Greatness is a powerful punch of a book, with short chapters filled with personal anecdotes, to discuss, as the title suggests wise decisions that young men make. When preparing to read the book there are the obvious vices that one would expect to be covered in this brief volume, such as sexual and substance abuse issues. Whilst these are covered, unexpectedly but necessarily other essential issues are covered including work ethic and a pursuit of God. Whilst some of the discussions of sexual diseases may limit the audience to those firmly in teenage years, the other content is essential for pre-teen and early teen aged men. This provides an easy guide to begin practically discipling students, sons and mentors not necessarily in clearly spiritual concepts but in practical life-essential concepts. Its brevity also reduces the necessary buy-in for those wanting to use this resource. The questions included after each chapter also allows for easy anchoring of the content in reality.

I was provided a digital copy of the book through NetGalley, but all thoughts included are my own.

Authors: Gary Chapman and Clarence Shuler

More Info: Publisher’s Page

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